SEVEN Messages

Chiptech have developed a unique message system in SEVEN where pre-recorded voice files can be activated remotely to announce a range of events to the end user. These voice messages are designed to deliver important information and are categorised as either Critical, Action request, or Low priority. 

Upon reception, SEVEN will play the voice message(s) in the sequence specified, and flash the ‘Info’ button with an associated indicator colour. The messages are categorised as either Critical, Action request, or Low priority. How they are announced and repeat is determined by the category selected. Higher priority messages will play first, and can play during night time hours*, while lower priority messages will only automatically announce during the day time hours and will only be heard when the higher priority has been cleared.  

Messages at each priority level can be set in the configuration to repeat* periodically (minutes), and can also be set to automatically clear* after a set period of time (hours). 

Currently, there are approximately 40 voice phrases pre-recorded on SEVEN base units.  

Use Cases


There is a rest home that requires immediate evacuation due to the risk of a pending bush fire.  

Send a Critical notification to all SEVEN base units within the complex that combines a civil defence alert sound, information about the risk along with the request to evacuate.  

“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP” “There is a fire warning in your area.” “Evacuate, Evacuate, Evacuate.” “Please evacuate to a safe place as soon as possible.” 

Action Request

A significant storm is predicted in a city and residents are being asked to stay indoors and take precautions.  

Send an Action Request to all SEVEN base units within the geographical region to inform users of the pending risk.  

“Please take care.” “There is a severe weather warning in your area.” “Please stay indoors and check the news for information.” 

Low Priority

It is the ends user’s birthday. 

Schedule and send a Low priority message on a set date.  

“Happy Birthday” 

Messaging Format

The message is made up of a category with one or a few voice phrases to be announced. The message is parsed from left to right with comma separated fields, CSV format. Each message format must be structured as follows: category,phrase1,phrase2,phrease3,phrase4,phrase5 

Category, represented by a single character: 

‘C’ = Critical (Critical Warnings)

Plays immediately at any time, info button flashes red, messages can be set to repeat* and auto clear*.

‘A’ = Action request (Warnings, Actions)

Only plays during daytime hours and when ‘Away’ mode is disabled. Info button flashes orange anytime, messages can be set to repeat* and auto clear*.

‘L’ = Low priority (Friendly Messages, Greetings)

Only plays during daytime hours and when ‘Away’ mode is disabled. Info button flashes green anytime, messages can be set to repeat* and auto clear*.

Phrase is the pre-recorded voice phrase that you want to announce, and is represented by decimal numbers. 

Messages can be cleared in four different ways:  

  • by the user pressing the ‘Cancel’ button while the voice message is announcing,  
  • when the timer for automatically clearing the message has been reached,   
  • the message being replaced by another message in the same category, or  
  • when a ‘clear’ command is received by SEVEN. 

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