Battery Powered Smoke Detector with Extended Base + SID

Detects the presence of smoke and alert both residents within hearing range and monitoring via the base unit.

A Chiptech SID is fitted inside a Brooks photoelectric smoke detector and fitted with a Brooks Extended Base. If the Brooks smoke detector has RadioLINK, it can connect to up to 12 smoke detectors. When smoke is detected, the alarm will sound off across all connected devices, alerting the resident, additionally, the SID transmits the alert to the base unit which then sends onto the monitoring centre.

Battery powered smoke detectors can be installed by a technician and should be tested thoroughly at the time of installation and have a regular testing plan in place.

Chiptech Approved Smoke Alarms

SID is fitted inside the deep base that connects to one of the following Chiptech approved battery powered smoke alarms by Brooks


Photoelectric 10-year Lithium Battery Smoke Alarm with AudioLINK™



Photoelectric RadioLINK™ 10-year Lithium Battery Smoke Alarm with AudioLINK™


SID Tech Specs

SID v1.2 wired fitted inside a Brooks smoke detector with an Extended Base and programmed as a smoke

Operating temperature of 0 – 40°C, 90% humidity

  • 300 metres+ typical in open air when paired with a Chiptech base unit, when at home.
  • Frequency: Australia 916MHz, New Zealand/European 869MHz.
  • Chiptech Proprietary Pearl Protocol Version 1
  • CR2477N with a 950mAh capacity
  • SID battery life calculations, with typical use indicates a battery life of 5 years